Wyatt Earp Contemporary Image

Wyatt Earp A Life on The Frontier

The year is 1928; the place is in the couple's Los Angeles, California apartment. Wyatt reluctantly speaks to a fictional reporter, Mr. Noble, as an elderly Wyatt tells of his time in Tombstone, Arizona, his life afterwards, and follows the sometimes-turbulent times of the couple's 47-year life together as they traveled and prospected throughout the west and Alaska.
Wyatt Earp: "A Life on The Frontier"won the AriZoni award in 1996 and has over 1020 performances through out the United States, Canada and Europe. The plays that Terry has written, and that she and Wyatt have both starred in are, historical-based plays and are a part of the Tombstone Saga.

[ Wyatt Earp A Life on The Frontier Show Preview ]

[ Wyatt Earp - A Life on The Frontier Press Kit ]

Interested in having Wyatt come to your Venue and perform Wyatt Earp A Life on The Frontier?
Then download the press Kit for this show: "A Life on The Frontier Press Kit."